
Licensed to Flash Results, Inc.                           Hy-Tek's Meet Manager
                              2008 Conference USA                              
                      Outdoor Track & Field Championships                      
                            UTEP - May 15-17, 2007                             
Event 14  Decathlon: #6 Men 110 Meter Hurdles Decathlon
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Wind H# Points
  1 Wesley Bray                  Houston                  15.10   2.3  1  837  
  2 Phillip Adam                 Rice                     15.40   2.3  1  802  
  3 Preston Williams             Memphis                  15.42   3.0  2  799  
  4 Connor Hayes                 Rice                     15.53   3.0  2  787  
  5 Leonard McLeggon             Southern Miss            15.57   2.3  1  782  
  6 Joe Agnew                    Rice                     17.14   2.3  1  610  
 -- Morgan Floyd                 Houston                    DNF   3.0  2 
Event 15  Decathlon: #7 Men Discus Throw Decathlon
    Name                    Year School                  Finals            Points
  1 Phillip Adam                 Rice                    38.64m     126-09  637  
      35.82m  38.64m  FOUL            
  2 Wesley Bray                  Houston                 36.79m     120-08  600  
      36.79m  FOUL  36.53m            
  3 Leonard McLeggon             Southern Miss           36.36m     119-03  591  
      30.82m  FOUL  36.36m            
  4 Joe Agnew                    Rice                    33.47m     109-10  533  
      32.70m  33.47m  31.73m            
  5 Morgan Floyd                 Houston                 31.97m     104-11  503  
      FOUL  30.63m  31.97m            
  6 Preston Williams             Memphis                 27.39m      89-10  413  
      27.39m  FOUL  FOUL            
  7 Connor Hayes                 Rice                    25.20m      82-08  371  
      24.76m  FOUL  25.20m            
Event 16  Decathlon: #8 Men Pole Vault Decathlon
    Name                    Year School                  Finals            Points
  1 Phillip Adam                 Rice                     4.30m   14-01.25  702  
  2 Wesley Bray                  Houston                  4.20m   13-09.25  673  
  3 Joe Agnew                    Rice                     3.60m   11-09.75  509  
  4 Connor Hayes                 Rice                     3.50m   11-05.75  482  
  5 Leonard McLeggon             Southern Miss            3.40m   11-01.75  457  
  6 Preston Williams             Memphis                  3.00m    9-10.00  357  
 -- Morgan Floyd                 Houston                     NH            
Event 17  Decathlon: #9 Men Javelin Throw Decathlon
    Name                    Year School                  Finals            Points
  1 Morgan Floyd                 Houston                 54.02m     177-03  648  
      FOUL  49.69m  54.02m            
  2 Joe Agnew                    Rice                    53.05m     174-00  634  
      53.05m  FOUL  FOUL            
  3 Wesley Bray                  Houston                 50.99m     167-03  603  
      50.99m  49.99m  48.16m            
  4 Leonard McLeggon             Southern Miss           43.16m     141-07  488  
      39.32m  42.62m  43.16m            
  5 Phillip Adam                 Rice                    42.14m     138-03  473  
      33.84m  42.14m  PASS            
  6 Connor Hayes                 Rice                    39.05m     128-01  428  
      35.68m  36.63m  39.05m            
  7 Preston Williams             Memphis                 30.67m     100-07  309  
      30.67m  FOUL  29.45m            
Event 18  Decathlon: #10 Men 1500 Meter Run Decathlon
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Connor Hayes                 Rice                   4:52.90   601  
  2 Phillip Adam                 Rice                   5:06.30   524  
  3 Joe Agnew                    Rice                   5:06.43   523  
  4 Leonard McLeggon             Southern Miss          5:10.42   501  
  5 Wesley Bray                  Houston                5:11.78   494  
  6 Preston Williams             Memphis                5:49.05   310  
 -- Morgan Floyd                 Houston                    DNF  
Event 19  Heptathlon: #5 Women Long Jump Heptathlon
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Wind           Points
  1 Sheree Carter                UCF                      5.54m   4.7  18-02.25  712  
     5.23m(5.2) 5.54m(4.7) 5.40m(4.0)            
  2 Timara McMillan              UAB                      5.40m   2.6  17-08.75  671  
     5.06m(5.2) 5.23m(4.1) 5.40m(2.6)            
  3 Britney Blodget              Rice                     5.25m   3.8  17-02.75  628  
     5.25m(3.8) FOUL(5.3) 5.14m(3.6)            
  4 Brianna Steel                Tulsa                    5.15m   4.8  16-10.75  601  
     5.06m(2.6) 5.15m(4.8) 5.02m(2.3)            
  5 Andrea Jackson               Rice                     5.00m   3.5  16-05.00  559  
     4.38m(2.8) 5.00m(3.5) FOUL(3.4)            
  6 Lindsay Dolan                East Carolina            4.98m   3.2  16-04.25  554  
     4.90m(5.0) 4.98m(3.2) 4.96m(1.9)            
  7 Arielle Minor                Tulane                   4.93m   4.1  16-02.25  540  
     4.88m(2.2) 4.93m(4.1) FOUL(3.1)            
  8 Lauren Kuhner                SMU                      4.87m   3.9  15-11.75  524  
     4.77m(6.7) 4.87m(3.9) 4.70m(3.5)            
Event 20  Heptathlon: #6 Women Javelin Throw Heptathlon
    Name                    Year School                  Finals            Points
  1 Lauren Kuhner                SMU                     36.16m     118-08  594  
      32.69m  34.08m  36.16m            
  2 Brianna Steel                Tulsa                   31.75m     104-02  510  
      31.75m  28.77m  29.77m            
  3 Arielle Minor                Tulane                  27.92m      91-07  437  
      27.92m  27.14m  26.82m            
  4 Andrea Jackson               Rice                    27.06m      88-09  421  
      26.31m  24.43m  27.06m            
  5 Timara McMillan              UAB                     25.72m      84-04  396  
      FOUL  24.10m  25.72m            
  6 Lindsay Dolan                East Carolina           24.47m      80-03  372  
      22.30m  24.47m  FOUL            
  7 Britney Blodget              Rice                    21.57m      70-09  318  
      21.57m  FOUL  20.81m            
  8 Sheree Carter                UCF                     19.64m      64-05  282  
      19.64m  17.31m  17.74m            
Event 21  Men Decathlon
  C-USA Meet: *  7521  5/12/2000   Jason Wilson, Southern Miss                 
                 7500  AUTO
                 6900  PROV
    Name                    Year School                  Finals                 
  1 Wesley Bray                  Houston                   6904                  
  2 Phillip Adam                 Rice                      6756                  
  3 Leonard McLeggon             Southern Miss             6236                  
  4 Connor Hayes                 Rice                      5907                  
  5 Preston Williams             Memphis                   5293                  
  6 Joe Agnew                    Rice                      5115                  
  7 Morgan Floyd                 Houston                   2993                  
Event 21  Heptathlon: #7 Women 800 Meter Run Heptathlon
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Brianna Steel                Tulsa                  2:27.35   726  
  2 Sheree Carter                UCF                    2:27.76   721  
  3 Arielle Minor                Tulane                 2:34.17   642  
  4 Britney Blodget              Rice                   2:41.23   559  
  5 Timara McMillan              UAB                    2:47.70   488  
  6 Andrea Jackson               Rice                   2:47.72   488  
  7 Lauren Kuhner                SMU                    2:49.20   472  
  8 Lindsay Dolan                East Carolina          2:59.07   374  
Event 22  Women Shot Put
 Advance 9 to the final
  C-USA Meet: * 16.57m  5/14/2005   Chandra Brewer, South Florida              
                14.30m  REG
    Name                    Year School                  Finals                 
  1 Susan King                   Memphis                 17.84m*        58-06.50 
      FOUL  15.55m  17.84m  16.12m  FOUL  FOUL
  2 Keisha Walkes                UTEP                    15.83m         51-11.25 
      15.11m  15.21m  15.10m  14.87m  14.78m  15.83m
  3 Sivan Aballi                 Memphis                 15.78m         51-09.25 
      15.57m  15.59m  15.78m  FOUL  15.62m  15.65m
  4 Charlotte Abrahamsen         Memphis                 14.93m         48-11.75 
      14.50m  FOUL  FOUL  13.84m  14.56m  14.93m
  5 Rachel Blankenship           Marshall                14.87m         48-09.50 
      14.69m  14.87m  14.29m  FOUL  FOUL  FOUL
  6 LaKendra Thames              UCF                     14.53m         47-08.00 
      14.13m  13.51m  14.53m  FOUL  FOUL  13.78m
  7 Kiara Pulliam                Houston                 13.82m         45-04.25 
      12.70m  13.27m  13.17m  13.82m  13.36m  12.86m
  8 LaTricia Jones               Marshall                13.62m         44-08.25 
      13.52m  13.62m  FOUL  12.91m  FOUL  13.20m
  9 Virginia Traynor             UCF                     13.38m         43-10.75 
      13.24m  12.95m  13.35m  13.38m  FOUL  12.77m
 10 Charlissa Foster             Houston                 13.27m         43-06.50 
      12.28m  2.82m  13.27m           
 11 Rushae Collier               Southern Miss           12.99m         42-07.50 
      12.46m  12.32m  12.99m           
 12 Suesanna Williams            Southern Miss           12.91m         42-04.25 
      11.69m  12.69m  12.91m         
 13 Katie Dollinger              Rice                    12.88m         42-03.25 
      12.83m  12.88m  2.79m          
 14 Danielle Eiler               East Carolina           12.78m         41-11.25 
      10.10m  12.22m  12.78m         
 15 Jessica Francis              UCF                     12.76m         41-10.50 
      12.12m  12.76m  12.76m         
 16 Candace Burgard              Southern Miss           12.36m         40-06.75 
      12.36m  FOUL  11.87m         
 17 Ulrika Hinson                Rice                    11.87m         38-11.50 
      11.66m  11.67m  11.87m         
 18 Tina Robinson                Rice                    11.80m         38-08.75 
      FOUL  11.80m  11.66m         
 19 Carla Rumberg                Marshall                11.70m         38-04.75 
      FOUL  11.70m  FOUL         
Event 23  Women Pole Vault
  C-USA Meet: * 4.12m  5/12/2006   Rachel Greff, Rice                          
                3.85m  REG
    Name                    Year School                  Finals                 
  1 Rachel Greff                 Rice                     4.13m*        13-06.50 
     3.10 3.25 3.40 3.55 3.70 3.85 4.00 4.13 4.27 
        P    P    P    P    P    O    O    O  XXX 
  2 Ariana Ince                  Rice                     3.70m         12-01.50 
     3.10 3.25 3.40 3.55 3.70 3.85 
        P    P   XO    O    O  XXX 
  3 Caitlin Clancy               Tulsa                    3.70m         12-01.50 
     3.10 3.25 3.40 3.55 3.70 3.85 
        P    P    O    O  XXO  XXX 
  4 Stephanie McDougal           East Carolina            3.55m         11-07.75 
     3.10 3.25 3.40 3.55 3.70 
        P    P    O   XO  XXX 
  4 Ashton Baldwin               Memphis                  3.55m         11-07.75 
     3.10 3.25 3.40 3.55 3.70 
        P    P    O   XO  XXX 
  6 Whitney Bolton               Memphis                  3.40m         11-01.75 
     3.10 3.25 3.40 3.55 
        P    P    O  XXX 
  6 Morgan Lancaster             Houston                  3.40m         11-01.75 
     3.10 3.25 3.40 3.55 
        P    O    O  XXX 
  8 Shannan Arnold               Houston                  3.40m         11-01.75 
     3.10 3.25 3.40 3.55 
        P    O  XXO  XXX 
  9 Peggy Keplinger              Tulane                   3.25m         10-08.00 
     3.10 3.25 3.40 
        O    O  XXX 
 -- Amy Hart                     East Carolina               NH                  
     3.10 3.25 3.40 3.55 
        P    P    P  XXX 
Event 24  Men Long Jump
 Advance 9 to the final
  C-USA Meet: * 7.85m  5/12/2000   Delvit Rogers, Memphis                      
  C-USA Meet:   7.85m  5/10/2002   Will Montgomery, Charlotte                  
                7.34m  REG
    Name                    Year School                  Finals        Wind          
  1 Mickael Hanany               UTEP                     7.59m        +0.0  24-11.00 
     7.54m(+0.0) 7.59m(+0.0) PASS      PASS      PASS      PASS     
  2 Chris Carter                 Houston                  7.15m        -0.8  23-05.50 
     6.92m(-1.1) 6.54m(-0.8) 7.02m(+0.0) 7.15m(-0.8) 7.03m(-0.4) 6.95m(-1.9)
  3 Thomas Lang                  Houston                  7.12m        +0.0  23-04.50 
     6.71m(+0.0) 7.12m(+0.0) 6.78m(-0.9) 5.57m(-1.2) 6.69m(-0.7) 6.71m(-0.9)
  4 Rascive Grant                Southern Miss            7.07m        -0.7  23-02.50 
     7.07m(-0.7) FOUL(+0.0) 7.04m(-1.2) PASS      PASS      PASS     
  5 Kyle McGillen                Tulsa                    7.01m        +0.0  23-00.00 
     7.01m(+0.0) FOUL(0.3) FOUL(-0.8) FOUL(-3.0) FOUL(-0.5) 6.60m(-2.0)
  6 Grant Hightower              Houston                  6.96m        -1.9  22-10.00 
     FOUL(+0.0) 6.92m(+0.0) 6.96m(-1.9) 5.91m(-2.2) PASS      PASS     
  7 Ed Turner                    Houston                  6.94m        -1.5  22-09.25 
     6.78m(0.1) FOUL(+0.0) 6.71m(+0.0) 6.68m(-1.3) 6.94m(-1.5) 6.82m(-2.4)
  8 Devon Fanfair                Rice                     6.90m         0.3  22-07.75 
     6.90m(0.3) 6.38m(+0.0) 6.49m(-1.3)         
  9 Wesley Bray                  Houston                  6.88m        +0.0  22-07.00 
     6.81m(0.1) 6.88m(+0.0) 6.77m(-0.4) 6.67m(-1.4) 6.75m(-2.1) 6.88m(-2.3)
 10 Jerome Leslie                Memphis                  6.80m        -1.2  22-03.75 
     6.80m(-1.2) 6.73m(-0.5) FOUL(-0.8) FOUL(+0.0) 6.79m(-2.2) 6.68m(-2.1)
 11 Craig Shultz                 Tulsa                    6.75m        -0.5  22-01.75 
     FOUL(-0.3) 6.75m(-0.5) FOUL(-0.4)         
 12 Anthony Haywood              UTEP                     6.68m        +0.0  21-11.00 
     6.68m(+0.0) 6.48m(+0.0) 6.61m(+0.0)         
 13 Preston Williams             Memphis                  6.45m        -1.0  21-02.00 
     FOUL(-0.8) FOUL(-1.2) 6.45m(-1.0)         
 14 Aaron Ransom                 East Carolina            6.43m         0.3  21-01.25 
     6.43m(0.3) 6.22m(-0.1) FOUL(-0.7)         
 15 Richard Swaby                Memphis                  6.28m        -1.0  20-07.25 
     6.28m(-1.0) FOUL(-0.0) 6.22m(-1.1)         
 -- Aaron Whetstone              Memphis                   FOUL                       
     FOUL(+0.0) FOUL(+0.0) FOUL(-1.1)         
Event 25  Women Long Jump
 Advance 9 to the final
  C-USA Meet: * 6.49m  5/11/2007   Tanika LIburd, Southern Miss                
                6.00m  REG
    Name                    Year School                  Finals        Wind          
  1 Blessing Okagbare            UTEP                     6.70m*       +0.0  21-11.75 
     6.44m(+0.0) 6.70m(+0.0) 6.64m(+0.0) 6.60m(-2.1) PASS      PASS     
  2 Ashley May                   Southern Miss            5.95m        +0.0  19-06.25 
     5.94m(+0.0) 5.95m(+0.0) 5.83m(-1.0) 5.77m(-0.4) 5.92m(-0.8) 5.77m(-1.5)
  3 Nelly Tchayem                UTEP                     5.94m        +0.0  19-06.00 
     FOUL(+0.0) 5.94m(+0.0) FOUL(+0.0) 5.87m(-0.8) 5.65m(-2.3) 5.94m(-1.2)
  4 Shaunda McPherson            Houston                  5.94m        +0.0  19-06.00 
     5.25m(0.1) 5.07m(+0.0) 5.94m(+0.0) FOUL(-0.1) PASS      5.53m(-2.3)
  5 Lacee Carmon                 Rice                     5.92m        +0.0  19-05.25 
     5.82m(-0.0) 5.92m(+0.0) 5.46m(+0.0) FOUL(-0.8) FOUL(-2.0) 5.32m(-2.1)
  6 Dione Thomas                 UCF                      5.86m         0.1  19-02.75 
     5.86m(0.1) 5.71m(+0.0) FOUL(-1.7) FOUL(-1.8) 5.83m(-1.3) 5.66m(-1.8)
  7 Adedayo Ogunniyi             Houston                  5.79m        -0.7  19-00.00 
     5.69m(+0.0) 5.78m(0.1) 5.79m(-0.7) 5.69m(-0.7) 5.61m(-1.0) 5.57m(-1.4)
  8 Teniqua Sutton               Marshall                 5.79m        +0.0  19-00.00 
     5.51m(0.1) 5.79m(+0.0) 5.48m(-0.8) 5.54m(-0.7) 5.27m(-1.4) 5.49m(+0.0)
  9 Caresir Hamilton             Houston                  5.67m        +0.0  18-07.25 
     5.38m(-0.2) 4.99m(-0.9) 5.67m(+0.0) 5.42m(-0.5) 5.37m(-3.0) 5.28m(-0.4)
 10 Margaret Glover              Tulsa                    5.55m        -0.7  18-02.50 
     FOUL(-0.0) FOUL(-0.1) 5.55m(-0.7)            
 11 Quinnyana Brown              Marshall                 5.47m        -0.8  17-11.50 
     5.47m(-0.8) 5.39m(-0.3) 5.37m(-0.7)            
 12 Nicolette Taku               Tulane                   5.40m        -0.6  17-08.75 
     5.32m(-1.1) 5.40m(-0.6) FOUL(+0.0)            
 13 Shannon Moran                Rice                     5.33m         0.5  17-06.00 
     5.19m(-0.2) FOUL(+0.0) 5.33m(0.5)            
 14 Tanisha Glover               East Carolina            5.25m        -0.1  17-02.75 
     5.05m(-1.3) 5.14m(-0.1) 5.25m(-0.1)           
 15 Alexandra Gibbs              Rice                     5.07m        +0.0  16-07.75 
     4.76m(+0.0) 5.07m(+0.0) FOUL(+0.0)            
 16 Brree Carter                 Tulane                   4.99m        -0.7  16-04.50 
     FOUL(-1.0) FOUL(-0.5) 4.99m(-0.7)            
 -- Chante Sessoms               East Carolina             FOUL                       
     FOUL(-1.2) FOUL(-1.2) FOUL(-0.7)            
 -- Eunique Hamilton             Rice                       DNS         NWI           
Event 26  Women Javelin Throw
 Advance 9 to the final
  C-USA Meet: * 56.45m  5/11/2007   Erma Gene Evans, UTEP                      
                43.45m  REG
    Name                    Year School                  Finals                 
  1 Andrea Kvetova               SMU                     50.28m           164-11 
      40.68m  FOUL  45.49m  46.38m  50.28m  FOUL
  2 Hana Prudilova               Southern Miss           45.87m           150-06 
      44.64m  44.93m  45.87m  45.38m  42.82m  45.67m
  3 Katy McGillen                Tulsa                   44.73m           146-09 
      39.29m  39.52m  44.73m  42.68m  40.84m  40.38m
  4 Brittani Williams            Houston                 40.96m           134-04 
      36.46m  36.41m  37.41m  36.10m  37.82m  40.96m
  5 Jessica Bussey               Southern Miss           40.04m           131-04 
      40.04m  33.98m  35.87m  35.61m  35.77m  37.03m
  6 Ulrika Hinson                Rice                    38.46m           126-02 
      38.38m  37.22m  36.77m  38.46m  FOUL  34.80m
  7 Kwema Phillander             Marshall                37.12m           121-09 
      37.12m  35.89m  FOUL  34.44m  36.61m  35.94m
  8 Terran Alexander             UTEP                    35.97m           118-00 
      FOUL  32.00m  35.97m  32.41m  35.13m  FOUL
  9 Suesanna Williams            Southern Miss           33.64m           110-04 
      33.64m  33.18m  32.41m  32.14m  29.60m  FOUL
 10 Candace Burgard              Southern Miss           32.95m           108-01 
      FOUL  32.95m  30.74m         
 11 Ariana Ince                  Rice                    29.32m            96-02 
      28.76m  FOUL  29.32m         
Event 27  Men Shot Put
 Advance 9 to the final
  C-USA Meet: * 19.09m  5/15/1998   John Davis, Houston                        
                16.80m  REG
    Name                    Year School                  Finals                 
  1 Glen Edwards                 Memphis                 17.60m         57-09.00 
      17.16m  6.99m  FOUL  FOUL  17.21m  17.60m
  2 Knut Syversen                Memphis                 16.81m         55-02.00 
      FOUL  16.42m  16.76m  FOUL  FOUL  16.81m
  3 Seth Major                   Memphis                 16.47m         54-00.50 
      15.28m  16.47m  FOUL  16.23m  16.28m  16.42m
  4 Clay Baker                   Rice                    16.28m         53-05.00 
      16.03m  15.91m  16.28m  15.96m  15.72m  15.90m
  5 Ricardo Page                 Southern Miss           15.99m         52-05.50 
      15.19m  15.60m  15.33m  15.60m  15.60m  15.99m
  6 Harding Zills                Memphis                 15.15m         49-08.50 
      15.15m  14.88m  FOUL  15.15m  FOUL  FOUL
  7 Aaron Ammons                 Southern Miss           15.15m         49-08.50 
      15.10m  15.15m  FOUL  14.10m  FOUL  15.00m
  8 Sidney Flores                Houston                 14.76m         48-05.25 
      FOUL  14.43m  14.76m  FOUL  FOUL  FOUL
  9 Michael Sanchez              Houston                 14.56m         47-09.25 
      13.72m  14.56m  FOUL  14.44m  13.28m  FOUL
 10 William Meyers               Rice                    14.48m         47-06.25 
      13.93m  14.48m  FOUL         
 11 Ryan Onofrio                 East Carolina           13.61m         44-08.00 
      13.45m  13.61m  FOUL           
 -- Brandon Hubbard              Houston                   FOUL                  
      FOUL  FOUL  FOUL         
Event 28  Women High Jump
  C-USA Meet: * 1.92m  5/12/2006   Gaelle Niare, SMU                           
                1.75m  REG
    Name                    Year School                  Finals                 
  1 Chen Edri                    Memphis                  1.75m          5-08.75 
     1.55 1.60 1.65 1.70 1.75 1.78 
        P    O    O    O  XXO  XXX 
  2 Kristin Smith                Marshall                 1.65m          5-05.00 
     1.55 1.60 1.65 1.70 
        P    O    O  XXX 
  2 Lizzie Harris                UCF                      1.65m          5-05.00 
     1.55 1.60 1.65 1.70 
        O    O    O  XXX 
  2 Valeria Moore                East Carolina            1.65m          5-05.00 
     1.55 1.60 1.65 1.70 
        O    O    O  XXX 
  5 Laura Allred                 Houston                  1.65m          5-05.00 
     1.55 1.60 1.65 1.70 
        P   XO    O  XXX 
  6 Brianna Steel                Tulsa                    1.60m          5-03.00 
     1.55 1.60 1.65 
        O    O  XXX 
  6 Teresa Contreras             UTEP                     1.60m          5-03.00 
     1.55 1.60 1.65 
        P    O  XXX 
  8 Erica Whitby                 UAB                      1.60m          5-03.00 
     1.55 1.60 1.65 
        O  XXO  XXX 
  9 Meghan Horne                 East Carolina            1.60m          5-03.00 
     1.60 1.65 
       XO  XXX 
 10 Sarah Agara                  Rice                     1.55m          5-01.00 
     1.55 1.60 
      XXO  XXX 
 -- Zandria DeBowles             Tulane                      NH                  
 -- Charlotte Abrahamsen         Memphis                    DNS                  
 -- Eunique Hamilton             Rice                       DNS                  
Event 29  Men Javelin Throw
 Advance 9 to the final
  C-USA Meet: * 73.26m  5/12/2000   Nathan Junius, Tulane                      
                61.60m  REG
    Name                    Year School                  Finals                 
  1 Alex van der Merwe           UTEP                    67.88m           222-08 
      67.37m  66.59m  64.17m  FOUL  67.88m  FOUL
  2 Spencer Barrick              East Carolina           63.34m           207-10 
      63.34m  PASS  PASS  PASS  PASS  FOUL
  3 Morgan Floyd                 Houston                 60.46m           198-04 
      57.74m  58.80m  55.79m  57.48m  FOUL  60.46m
  4 Noah Slater                  Southern Miss           60.34m           197-11 
      60.34m  56.99m  52.96m  FOUL  FOUL  51.68m
  5 Christian McDonald           Memphis                 60.11m           197-02 
      FOUL  54.82m  60.11m  54.66m  FOUL  59.85m
  6 Joe Agnew                    Rice                    56.60m           185-08 
      56.60m  FOUL  FOUL  49.90m  FOUL  FOUL
  7 Wesley Bray                  Houston                 54.42m           178-06 
      51.54m  52.31m  54.42m  51.67m  FOUL  52.29m
  8 Tyler Whitham                Rice                    50.43m           165-05 
      50.43m  47.20m  46.98m  47.63m  48.15m  49.44m
  9 Gary Anderson                Rice                    47.51m           155-10 
      39.87m  FOUL  FOUL  43.77m  47.51m  PASS
 -- Jason Morgan                 Memphis                    DNS                  
Event 30  Women 1500 Meter Run
12 Advance:  Top 2 Each Heat plus Next 8 Best Times
  C-USA Meet: * 4:17.99  5/16/1998   Hanne Lyngstad, Tulane                    
                4:31.94  REG
    Name                    Year School                 Prelims                 
  1 Callie Wells                 Rice                   4:36.54Q                 
  2 Nicole Mericle               Rice                   4:37.84Q                 
  3 Happy Mary Bacia             UTEP                   4:37.41Q                 
  4 Kelly Young                  UTEP                   4:38.53Q                 
  5 Alina Varpiotaite            UAB                    4:39.69q                 
  6 Jepchirchir Kigen            UTEP                   4:40.87q                 
  7 Karen Kozub                  UCF                    4:41.18q                 
  8 Delia Cesar                  UTEP                   4:41.46q                 
  9 Tina Sherratt                Memphis                4:41.88q                 
 10 Whitney Mays                 UAB                    4:42.43q                 
 11 Britany Williams             Rice                   4:42.94q                 
 12 Oumama Hallal                Houston                4:43.47q                 
 13 Rebecca Coady                Tulane                 4:45.34                  
 14 Maryke Rossouw               Tulsa                  4:46.96                  
 15 Claire MacAulay              East Carolina          4:57.14                  
 16 Claire Shorall               Rice                   4:57.95                  
 17 Meghan Glassmacher           East Carolina          5:02.43                  
Event 31  Women 100 Meter Hurdles
8 Advance:  Top 1 Each Heat plus Next 5 Best Times
  C-USA Meet: * 13.10  5/12/2000   Jenny Adams, Houston                        
                13.88  REG
    Name                    Year School                 Prelims        Wind H#
  1 Seun Adigun                  Houston                  13.60Q        0.6  1 
  2 Quashanda Welch              UTEP                     13.65Q        0.2  3 
  3 Victoria Chin                UCF                      13.84Q        0.5  2 
  4 Lizzie Harris                UCF                      13.77q        0.2  3 
  5 Sheree Carter                UCF                      13.94q        0.6  1 
  6 Erika Russ                   UAB                      13.97q        0.2  3 
  7 Gayla Cloud                  SMU                      14.06q        0.6  1 
  8 Breanna Jones                Marshall                 14.22q        0.6  1 
  9 Micaela Wimberly             UCF                      14.37         0.5  2 
 10 Alexandra Gibbs              Rice                     14.43         0.5  2 
 11 Holland Thomas               Memphis                  14.47         0.2  3 
 12 Timara McMillan              UAB                      14.54         0.5  2 
 13 Lacee Carmon                 Rice                     14.66         0.2  3 
 14 Lindsay Dolan                East Carolina            14.68         0.5  2 
 15 Chandra Ewing                Rice                     14.72         0.6  1 
 16 Alexis Duvaul                Marshall                 14.73         0.5  2 
 17 Samantha Hamilton            UAB                      14.78         0.6  1 
 18 Brittani Mason               Houston                  14.96         0.2  3 
 19 Ashley Stewart               Memphis                  15.28         0.5  2 
 20 Desiree' Blow                Memphis                  15.49         0.6  1 
 21 Jaslyn Grullon               East Carolina            15.61         0.2  3 
Event 32  Men 110 Meter Hurdles
8 Advance:  Top 1 Each Heat plus Next 6 Best Times
  C-USA Meet: * 13.68  5/15/2004   David Payne, Cincinnati                     
                14.26  REG
    Name                    Year School                 Prelims        Wind H#
  1 Amaechi Oselukwue            Memphis                  14.41Q       -0.4  1 
  2 Stephen Jones                Houston                  14.63Q       -0.3  2 
  3 Kris Bell                    East Carolina            14.68q       -0.4  1 
  4 Gary Anderson                Rice                     14.71q       -0.3  2 
  5 JorDon Smith                 Southern Miss            15.00q       -0.4  1 
  6 Darius Anderson              Memphis                  15.13q       -0.3  2 
  7 Darryl Cloud                 Houston                  15.20q       -0.3  2 
  8 Leonard McLeggon             Southern Miss            15.23q       -0.4  1 
  9 William Dodd                 UTEP                     15.24        -0.3  2 
 10 AJ Malicdem                  East Carolina            15.31        -0.3  2 
 11 Preston Williams             Memphis                  15.34        -0.4  1 
 12 Emanuel Osadeby              Houston                  15.74        -0.4  1 
 13 Steve Douglas                UTEP                     15.95        -0.4  1 
 -- Tyler Whitham                Rice                       DNF        -0.3  2 
Event 33  Women 400 Meter Dash
8 Advance:  Top 1 Each Heat plus Next 4 Best Times
  C-USA Meet: * 51.74  5/12/2007   Ebonie Floyd, Houston                       
                54.50  REG
    Name                    Year School                 Prelims                  H#
  1 Sarah Lyons                  Rice                     53.71Q                  2 
  2 Cheris Fletcher              Southern Miss            53.96Q                  1 
  3 Tara Colvin                  UAB                      54.39Q                  3 
  4 Jennifer Mace                Tulsa                    54.59Q                  4 
  5 Shalaiyah Sommerville        UTEP                     54.33q                  2 
  6 Valencia Wilson              Tulane                   54.41q                  1 
  7 Kalyn Floyd                  Houston                  55.53q                  3 
  8 Shaunda McPherson            Houston                  55.75q                  4 
  9 Candyce Cross                Houston                  56.35                   3 
 10 Brittany Washington          Rice                     56.41                   2 
 11 Deneen Kirk                  Memphis                  56.53                   1 
 12 Terria Wheeler               Southern Miss            56.72                   3 
 13 LaNeeka Allen                Houston                  56.77                   2 
 14 Olivia Kizzee                Tulane                   56.84                   1 
 15 Carmen Dennis                Southern Miss            57.02                   1 
 16 Shaliece Anderson            East Carolina            57.04                   4 
 17 Jessica Wright               Memphis                  57.46                   4 
 18 Aieshia Brooks               Tulane                   57.59                   4 
 19 Kirsten Richards             Southern Miss            57.81                   3 
 20 Kyra Lobbins                 Tulane                   57.97                   2 
 21 Asia Cunningham              UTEP                     58.22                   1 
 22 Jamaka Wall                  Southern Miss            58.36                   3 
Event 34  Men 400 Meter Dash
8 Advance:  Top 1 Each Heat plus Next 5 Best Times
  C-USA Meet: * 45.33  5/16/1998   Chris Jones, Houston                        
                47.09  REG
    Name                    Year School                 Prelims                  H#
  1 Anderson Mutegi              UTEP                     46.88Q                  3 
  2 Cornelius Duncan             Southern Miss            46.94Q                  1 
  3 Christopher Richardson       East Carolina            47.68Q                  2 
  4 Atilla Korosi                Tulsa                    47.75q                  1 
  5 Ron Wright                   East Carolina            48.01q                  1 
  6 Jarrod Landress              Tulsa                    48.58q                  2 
  7 Cordell Kinn                 Southern Miss            48.78q                  3 
  8 Lazarus Crumedy              Houston                  48.85q                  3 
  9 Ryan Gard                    Rice                     49.20                   2 
 10 Jonathan Moore               Tulsa                    49.36                   1 
 11 Michael Harris               East Carolina            49.46                   1 
 12 Lamar Ellison                Tulsa                    49.68                   3 
 13 Jarred Jones                 Memphis                  49.85                   2 
 14 Dominic Milton               Houston                  49.89                   3 
 15 Derrick Collins              Southern Miss            51.33                   2 
 -- Justin Davis                 Houston                    DNS                   2 
Event 35  Women 100 Meter Dash
8 Advance:  Top 1 Each Heat plus Next 5 Best Times
  C-USA Meet: * 11.31  5/12/2006   Oludamola Osayomi, UTEP                     
                11.72  REG
    Name                    Year School                 Prelims        Wind H#
  1 Halimat Ismaila              UTEP                     11.48Q       -1.4  1 
  2 Shakera Reece                Rice                     11.70Q       -0.7  2 
  3 Desarie Walwyn               Rice                     11.82Q       -1.0  3 
  4 Dione Thomas                 UCF                      11.99q       -0.7  2 
  5 Quashanda Welch              UTEP                     12.05q       -0.7  2 
  6 Chastity Riggien             Southern Miss            12.09q       -1.4  1 
  6 Katrina Harrell              UAB                      12.09q       -0.7  2 
  8 Christi Jones                Houston                  12.11q       -1.0  3 
  9 Jasmine Momoh                Tulane                   12.20        -1.0  3 
 10 Feyisara Adaramola           UCF                      12.21        -1.0  3 
 11 Breanna Jones                Marshall                 12.25        -1.4  1 
 12 Andrea Rosemond              Tulane                   12.28        -1.4  1 
 13 Chalonda Silver              East Carolina            12.28        -1.4  1 
 14 Romesha Anderson             Southern Miss            12.32        -0.7  2 
 15 Jessica Ford                 Tulsa                    12.46        -1.0  3 
 16 Adedayo Ogunniyi             Houston                  12.47        -1.4  1 
 17 LaToya Adekoya               Rice                     12.61        -0.7  2 
 18 Alexis Duvaul                Marshall                 13.52        -1.4  1 
 -- LaShundra Kershaw            Memphis                    DNS        -1.0  3 
Event 36  Men 100 Meter Dash
8 Advance:  Top 1 Each Heat plus Next 6 Best Times
  C-USA Meet: * 10.20  5/15/2004   Michael Frater, TCU                         
                10.52  REG
    Name                    Year School                 Prelims        Wind H#
  1 Ronald Arajs                 UTEP                     10.56Q       -0.5  1 
  2 Tremaine Smith               Houston                  10.60Q       -1.3  2 
  3 Kevin Thompson               East Carolina            10.68q       -0.5  1 
  4 Jon Turner                   Rice                     10.75q       -0.5  1 
  5 Rascive Grant                Southern Miss            10.76q       -1.3  2 
  6 Tyrone Carrier               Houston                  10.81q       -0.5  1 
  7 Donald Buckram               UTEP                     10.81q       -0.5  1 
  8 Ed Turner                    Houston                  11.03q       -1.3  2 
  9 LaPatrick Currie             East Carolina            11.03        -1.3  2 
 10 John Welch                   Rice                     11.05        -0.5  1 
 11 Bubba Heard                  Rice                     11.19        -1.3  2 
 12 Omololu Ogunlana             UTEP                     11.26        -1.3  2 
Event 37  Women 800 Meter Run
8 Advance:  Top 1 Each Heat plus Next 4 Best Times
  C-USA Meet: * 2:06.27  5/16/1998   Vernetta Rolle, Houston                   
                2:10.28  REG
    Name                    Year School                 Prelims                 
  1 Ilyssa Pettigrew             SMU                    2:10.36Q                 
  2 Kelly Young                  UTEP                   2:10.81Q                 
  3 Genoah Collins               UAB                    2:11.03Q                 
  4 Shantile Blackburn           UCF                    2:12.04Q                 
  5 Kristen Zieminski            UCF                    2:12.03q                 
  6 Tayler Rigsby                Tulsa                  2:12.54q                 
  7 Karen Kozub                  UCF                    2:12.82q                 
  8 Ashley Aitken                Tulsa                  2:13.26q                 
  9 Adriane Guinn                Houston                2:13.95                  
 10 Happy Mary Bacia             UTEP                   2:14.86                  
 11 Dawn Nagazina                Tulsa                  2:15.48                  
 12 Hollie Brooks                East Carolina          2:18.16                  
 13 Tina Sherratt                Memphis                2:18.29                  
 14 Bianca Leblanc               UAB                    2:18.59                  
 15 Kathleen Clark               Marshall               2:18.77                  
 16 Vicki Walker                 Rice                   2:19.90                  
 17 Stephanie Jones-DuBose       Southern Miss          2:21.65                  
 18 Jennifer Harper              Houston                2:21.97                  
 19 Claire Shorall               Rice                   2:23.92                  
 20 Lindsey Marshall             Houston                2:23.97                  
 21 Kendal Hood                  UAB                    2:24.17                  
 22 Alesia Hairston              Marshall               2:24.88                  
 23 Samantha Lichtner            East Carolina          2:25.68                  
 24 Claire MacAulay              East Carolina          2:26.11                  
 25 Meghan Glassmacher           East Carolina          2:27.33                  
 26 Jennifer Anderson            Houston                2:48.93                  
Event 38  Men 800 Meter Run
8 Advance:  Top 2 Each Heat plus Next 4 Best Times
  C-USA Meet: * 1:47.69  5/12/2007   Pablo Solares, Rice                       
                1:50.81  REG
    Name                    Year School                 Prelims                 
  1 Aggrey Chirchir              UTEP                   1:50.71Q                 
  2 Elias Koech                  UTEP                   1:54.44Q                 
  3 Dominic Tanui                UTEP                   1:52.32Q                 
  4 Mark Davidson                Tulsa                  1:55.27Q                 
  5 Matthew Dennish              East Carolina          1:54.41q                 
  6 Jarrett Newby                East Carolina          1:55.57q                 
  7 Matthew Hoffman              Rice                   1:56.33q                 
  8 Jacob Owolabi                Rice                   1:57.06q                 
  9 John Buck                    Rice                   1:57.48                  
 10 Colby Keithan                Rice                   1:58.46                  
 11 Michael Barnett              East Carolina          2:03.91                  
 -- Stephen Magness              Houston                    DNS                  
 -- Richard Armstrong            East Carolina              DNS                  
Event 39  Women 400 Meter Hurdles
8 Advance:  Top 1 Each Heat plus Next 4 Best Times
  C-USA Meet: * 57.67  5/14/2005   Alicia Cave, Houston                        
              1:00.71  REG
    Name                    Year School                 Prelims                  H#
  1 Jacinta Scruggs              UAB                    1:00.14Q                  2 
  2 Shanon Beelendorf            Tulane                 1:00.64Q                  4 
  3 Lizzie Harris                UCF                    1:00.89Q                  3 
  4 Chandra Ewing                Rice                   1:01.86Q                  1 
  5 April Montgomery             Tulsa                  1:00.90q                  2 
  6 Nnenna Ejesieme              SMU                    1:01.37q                  3 
  7 Victoria Chin                UCF                    1:02.03q                  1 
  8 Vanessa Kienast              Tulane                 1:02.70q                  4 
  9 Aisha Bilal-Mack             East Carolina          1:03.05                   3 
 10 Holland Thomas               Memphis                1:03.08                   2 
 11 Gayla Cloud                  SMU                    1:03.49                   4 
 12 Chasity Ross                 UTEP                   1:04.52                   1 
 13 Shannon Moran                Rice                   1:05.15                   4 
 14 Brittani Mason               Houston                1:05.31                   2 
 15 Zandria DeBowles             Tulane                 1:05.50                   1 
 16 Chelsea Wells                SMU                    1:06.22                   3 
 17 Christina Chambers           UAB                    1:06.28                   2 
 18 Katryce Sykes                UAB                    1:06.59                   4 
 19 Samera Johnson               Southern Miss          1:09.15                   1 
 20 Tracy Rowan                  UAB                    1:09.58                   2 
 21 Britney Blodget              Rice                   1:10.78                   4 
 -- Desiree' Blow                Memphis                     FS                   1 
 -- Breanna Jones                Marshall                   DNF                   3 
Event 40  Men 400 Meter Hurdles
8 Advance:  Top 1 Each Heat plus Next 5 Best Times
  C-USA Meet: * 50.05  5/13/2000   Greg Christie, Houston                      
                52.40  REG
    Name                    Year School                 Prelims                  H#
  1 Jason Perez                  Houston                  53.50Q                  1 
  2 Kris Karnes                  Tulsa                    54.15Q                  3 
  3 Mario Brisco                 East Carolina            54.39Q                  2 
  4 Richard Lowe                 Memphis                  54.87q                  2 
  4 Darryl Cloud                 Houston                  54.87q                  3 
  6 Emanuel Osadeby              Houston                  55.04q                  1 
  7 Amaechi Oselukwue            Memphis                  55.20q                  1 
  8 Darius Anderson              Memphis                  55.96q                  3 
  9 Daniel Dir                   Southern Miss            56.89                   3 
 10 Joshua Short                 UTEP                     57.01                   1 
 11 Ryan Gard                    Rice                     57.72                   2 
 12 Connor Hayes                 Rice                     58.77                   2 
 13 AJ Malicdem                  East Carolina            59.17                   2 
 14 Spencer Alexander            Rice                   1:00.10                   2 
 15 Darrell Lewis                Memphis                1:01.75                   3 
 -- Sean Bowen                   East Carolina              DNS                   1 
Event 41  Women 200 Meter Dash
8 Advance:  Top 1 Each Heat plus Next 4 Best Times
  C-USA Meet: * 22.67  5/12/2007   Ebonie Floyd, Houston                       
                23.89  REG
    Name                    Year School                 Prelims        Wind H#
  1 Halimat Ismaila              UTEP                     23.47Q        0.1  1 
  2 Blessing Okagbare            UTEP                     23.76Q        0.6  4 
  3 Shalaiyah Sommerville        UTEP                     23.84Q        0.1  2 
  4 Kalyn Floyd                  Houston                  23.91Q        0.6  3 
  5 Desarie Walwyn               Rice                     24.03q        0.6  4 
  6 Sarah Lyons                  Rice                     24.06q        0.6  3 
  7 Shaunda McPherson            Houston                  24.17q        0.1  2 
  8 Shakera Reece                Rice                     24.35q        0.6  4 
  9 Katrina Harrell              UAB                      24.63         0.1  1 
 10 Jasmine Momoh                Tulane                   24.70         0.1  2 
 11 Christi Jones                Houston                  24.77         0.1  1 
 12 Andrea Rosemond              Tulane                   24.78         0.1  2 
 13 Deneen Kirk                  Memphis                  24.78         0.6  3 
 14 Ashley Wills                 Tulsa                    24.82         0.6  4 
 15 Jessica Ford                 Tulsa                    24.85         0.1  2 
 16 Feyisara Adaramola           UCF                      25.16         0.6  3 
 17 Kyra Lobbins                 Tulane                   25.27         0.1  1 
 18 Adedayo Ogunniyi             Houston                  25.33         0.1  1 
 19 Alexandria Smith             SMU                      25.46         0.1  1 
 20 Romesha Anderson             Southern Miss            25.57         0.1  2 
 21 Olivia Kizzee                Tulane                   25.62         0.6  4 
 22 Jamaka Wall                  Southern Miss            25.84         0.6  3 
 23 LaToya Adekoya               Rice                     25.93         0.6  3 
 -- Jessica Wright               Memphis                     FS         0.6  4 
Event 42  Women Heptathlon
  C-USA Meet: *  5571  5/10/2007   Gaelle Niare, SMU                           
                 5500  AUTO
                 5050  PROV
    Name                    Year School                  Finals                 
  1 Sheree Carter                UCF                       4833                  
  2 Brianna Steel                Tulsa                     4503                  
  3 Lauren Kuhner                SMU                       4453                  
  4 Arielle Minor                Tulane                    4451                  
  5 Timara McMillan              UAB                       4376                  
  6 Britney Blodget              Rice                      4227                  
  7 Andrea Jackson               Rice                      4151                  
  8 Lindsay Dolan                East Carolina             4092                  
Event 42  Men 200 Meter Dash
8 Advance:  Top 1 Each Heat plus Next 5 Best Times
  C-USA Meet: * 20.33  5/13/2006   Churandy Martina, UTEP                      
                21.28  REG
    Name                    Year School                 Prelims        Wind H#
  1 Tremaine Smith               Houston                  21.02Q        0.4  2 
  2 Ronald Arajs                 UTEP                     21.22Q        0.2  1 
  3 Tyrone Carrier               Houston                  21.25Q        0.5  3 
  4 Anderson Mutegi              UTEP                     21.33q        0.5  3 
  5 Kevin Thompson               East Carolina            21.37q        0.2  1 
  6 Cornelius Duncan             Southern Miss            21.64q        0.5  3 
  7 Rascive Grant                Southern Miss            21.80q        0.4  2 
  8 Jon Turner                   Rice                     21.84q        0.4  2 
  9 Gary Anderson                Rice                     21.99         0.2  1 
 10 Dominic Milton               Houston                  22.18         0.2  1 
 11 O'Dell Smith                 Tulsa                    22.28         0.2  1 
 12 Bubba Heard                  Rice                     22.45         0.4  2 
 13 Ed Turner                    Houston                  23.09         0.5  3 
 14 Omololu Ogunlana             UTEP                     23.30         0.4  2 
 -- LaPatrick Currie             East Carolina              DNF         0.5  3 
 -- Carey LaCour                 Houston                    DNS         0.4  2 
Event 43  Women 3000 Meter Steeplechase
  C-USA Meet: * 10:01.77  5/10/2002   Brianna Dahm, Marquette                  
                11:01.24  REG
    Name                    Year School                  Finals                 
  1 Silje Fjortoft               SMU                   10:33.72                  
  2 Nicole Mericle               Rice                  10:35.88                  
  3 Becky Wade                   Rice                  10:52.70                  
  4 Ashlea Gilfillan             Tulsa                 11:01.03                  
  5 Whitney Mays                 UAB                   11:21.27                  
  6 Zuna Portillo                Southern Miss         11:31.31                  
  7 Brissia Montalvo             UTEP                  11:40.11                  
  8 Laura Clarke                 UTEP                  11:41.54                  
  9 Elizabeth Miller             UCF                   11:51.81                  
 10 Megan Chojnacki              UTEP                  12:14.43                  
 11 Hannah Henderson             Marshall              12:44.19                  
 12 Jasmine Trier                Houston               12:53.49                  
 -- Rebecca Coady                Tulane                     DNF                  
Event 44  Men 3000 Meter Steeplechase
  C-USA Meet: * 8:53.79  5/17/1996   Paul Mutai, Tulane                        
                9:16.24  REG
    Name                    Year School                  Finals                 
  1 Patrick Mutai                UTEP                   8:55.52                  
  2 Nicodemus Ng'etich           UTEP                   9:18.35                  
  3 Brett Olson                  Rice                   9:33.12                  
  4 Josh Butts                   Tulsa                  9:38.50                  
  5 Joel Stansloski              Tulsa                  9:40.38                  
  6 Michael Trejo                Rice                   9:45.84                  
  7 Charles Hampton              Rice                  10:01.42                  
  8 Justin Maxwell               Rice                  10:01.81                  
  9 Jorgen Ekdahl                Memphis               10:09.19                  
 10 Wesley Garrett               Memphis               10:18.63                  
                    Women - Team Rankings - 9 Events Scored
    1) Rice                        65        2) Memphis                    46   
    3) UTEP                        40.50     4) Tulsa                      31.50
    5) SMU                         31        6) Southern Miss              29   
    7) UCF                         24.33     8) Houston                    21.50
    9) Marshall                    17.33    10) Tulane                     16   
   10) UAB                         16       12) East Carolina              12.83
                     Men - Team Rankings - 7 Events Scored
    1) UTEP                        70        2) Memphis                    52   
    3) Houston                     48        4) Rice                       39   
    5) Southern Miss               28        6) Tulsa                      27   
    7) East Carolina                8                                           
Fox 35 Reliable One